Pre-charge Diversion

Red and blue lights on top of a police car.

The Pre-charge Diversion program is a community-based sentencing option used to deal with persons alleged to have committed a minor offence.

The Pre-charge Diversion program is a partnership between St. Leonard’s Community Services, Brantford Police Services and the Brant County Ontario Provincial Police.

Pre-charge Diversion may be used to deal with persons alleged to have committed an offence only if the  person cannot be adequately dealt with by way of Police warning or caution (verbal or written) and the Police determine that a referral to a community based resource would be beneficial.

The Pre-charge Diversion program offers an alternative to the formal court process by providing community based sanctions to persons alleged to have committed an offence.

The goal of the Pre-charge Diversion program is to reduce minor incidents of crime in the Brant County community.

Supportive interventions and programming assist adults in accepting responsibility for their offence and addressing the impact of their actions on themselves, their family, the victim and the community.


Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.

Eligibility Criteria

Age: 18+
Legal Status: Police referral
Other: $125.00 program fee

Contact Information

Phone: (519) 756-1117Fax: (519) 756-4329

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